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 [141024] Update 15: Archwing (暫)



帖子数 : 73
积分 : 216
威望 : -1
注册日期 : 2013-08-17
年龄 : 35
地点 : 虛空

[141024] Update 15: Archwing (暫) Empty
發表主題: [141024] Update 15: Archwing (暫)   [141024] Update 15: Archwing (暫) Empty周三 10月 29, 2014 1:47 pm

-新增 戰甲 LIMBO

-新增 裝飾 勢力徽章/Sigil
在軍械庫時,點選戰甲-外觀,會有新增一項 Regalia 選項,可以選擇、調整戰甲的氏族徽章、個人徽章與勢力徽章。

-新增 站姿 (JOJO!)

-變動 技能 神劍/Excalibur
Super Jump:跳起到落下之前,會是隱形的狀態,並且在跳起時,對周圍產生衝擊波。

Radial Blind:不會再對隔牆的敵人有效果,但是仍會對看過玩家與玩家看得見的敵人有效。

Radial Javelin:現在不會因為地形、盾牌因素而讓標槍打不到,所有在範圍內的敵人都一定會中鏢槍,沒有數量限制。如果敵人未被打死,會中短暫的致盲效果。

-新增 主要武器 OPTICOR (雷射加農砲)

-新增 近戰武器 HALIKAR (不想飛回來的迴旋鏢)

-新增 SOMA 外觀

-新增 多項武器 亡者之日/DAY OF THE DEAD 風格外觀 (節日限定已下架)

-新增 戰甲MOD
Rapid Resilience:減少玩家受到的附加效果之影響時間。

[墮落/4K] 瞬時堅毅/Transient Fortitude:增加技能強度,減少持續時間。

-新增 主要武器MOD
Sinister Reach:增加雷射型武器的射程。
Terminal Velocity:增加步槍子彈的飛行速度。
Continuous Misery:增加步槍造成屬性附加效果的時間。
Fatal Acceleration:增加散彈槍子彈的飛行速度 (相對傷害衰減變少)。
Lingering Torment:增加散彈槍造成屬性附加效果的時間。

[墮落/4K]Vile Acceleration:增加步槍攻擊速度,減少基本傷害。
[墮落/4K]Frail Momentum:增加散彈槍攻擊速度,減少基本傷害。
[墮落/4K]Critical Deceleration:增加散彈槍爆擊機率,減少攻擊速度。

-新增 次要武器MOD
Ruinous Extension:增加雷射型武器的射程。
Lethal Momentum:增加子彈的飛行速度。
Perpetual Agony:增加造成屬性附加效果的時間。

[墮落/4K]Anemic Agility:增加攻擊速度,減少基本傷害。
[墮落/4K]Creeping Bullseye:增加爆擊機率,減少攻擊速度。

-新增 近戰武器MOD
Lasting Sting:增加造成屬性附加效果的時間。

-新增 [勢力]戰甲技能改造MOD
Ash - Smoke Screen » Smoke Shadow:使用時,隱形效果會在所有隊友身上作用。

Banshee: Silence » Savage Silence:啟動此技能時,處決攻擊增加攻擊力。

Ember: Fireball » Fireball Frenzy:對隊友使用此技能,隊友的攻擊在一定時間內會額外附帶火傷。

Excalibur: Radial Javelin » Furious Javelin:發動此技能攻擊敵人後,依照打到的敵人數量計算,增加近戰攻擊力。

Frost: Freeze » Freeze Force:對隊友使用此技能,隊友的攻擊在一定時間內會額外附帶冰傷。

Hydroid: Undertow » Curative Undertow:隊友可以進入水裡,回復生命,但是會增加玩家的能量消耗。

Limbo: Banish » Haven:對隊友使用後,可以讓隊友回復一定生命。

Loki: Switch Teleport » Safeguard Switch:與隊友換位後,玩家的LOKI會有一定時間無敵。

Mag: Pull » Greedy Pull:可以把MOD、材料、彈藥包等等的道具拉過來。

Mirage: Hall of Mirrors » Hall of Malevolence:每殺一個敵人,玩家的分身攻擊力就會增加。

Nekros: Soul Punch » Soul Survivor:以犧牲玩家一定的生命、全部能量與護盾為代價,對著一名倒地的隊友使用,可以使其復活至一定生命。

Nova: Null Star » Neutron Star:當玩家已經有使用並放出飛球時,再次施展會使現有的飛球爆炸並帶有爆炸效果。

Nyx: Psychic Bolts » Pacifying Bolts:被擊中的敵人會被繳械數秒。

Oberon: Smite: Smite Infusion:對隊友使用此技能,隊友的攻擊在一定時間內會額外附帶輻射傷。

Rhino: Charge » Ironclad Charge:每撞擊到一次,便增加一定攻擊力。

Saryn: Venom » Venom Dose:對隊友使用此技能,隊友的攻擊在一定時間內會額外附帶毒傷。

Trinity: Well of Life » Pool of Life:當指定敵人死亡後,除了掉落血量球以外,也會有一定機率掉落能量球。

Valkyr: Paralysis » Prolonged Paralysis:範圍內被影響的敵人都會被拉到玩家旁邊,並且增長暈眩時間。

Volt: Shock » Shock Trooper:對隊友使用此技能,隊友的攻擊在一定時間內會額外附帶電傷。

Zephyr: Dive Bomb » Divebomb Vortex:一定範圍內的敵人會被拉至中心。     
Vauban: Tesla » Tesla Link:電球與電球之間會產生連結電光,敵人碰到會受到切割傷害。

-新增 [勢力]武器改造MOD (以下為滿等數值)
Dual Cleavers - Justice Blades:增加 100% 近戰傷害、1 "正義"。
Hek - Scattered Justice:增加 200% 多重射擊機率、1 "正義"。
Sobek - Shattering Justice: 增加 20% 附加效果機率、1 "正義"。

Burston Prime - Gilded Truth:增加 380% 攻擊速度、1 "真理"。
Jaw Sword - Blade of Truth:增加 100% 近戰傷害、1 "真理"。
Viper - Stinging Truth:增加 40 彈匣容量、1 "真理"。

Bolto - Entropy Spike:增加 0.2% 子彈爆炸機率、1 "熵數"。
Kestrel - Entropy Flight:增加 140% 飛行速度、1 "熵數"。
Supra - Entropy Burst:增加 20% 附加效果機率、1 "熵數"。

Acrid - Toxic Sequence:增加 200% 附加效果時間、1 "數列"。 
Grinlok - Deadly Sequence:增加 200% 爆擊機率、1 "數列"。
Spectra - Sequence Burn:增加 20m 射程、1 "數列"。

• 紅色面紗 / RED VEIL
Dark Dagger - Gleaming Blight:增加 100% 附加效果機率、1 "毀壞"。
Embolist - Eroding Blight:增加 200% 彈匣容量、1 "毀壞"。
Mire - Toxic Blight:增加 100% 額外的毒傷、1 "毀壞"。

• 新世間 / NEW LOKA
Furis - Winds of Purity:增加 0.2 吸血效果、1 "純淨"。
Skana - Bright Purity:增加 100% 近戰傷害、1 "純淨"。
Vulkar - Lasting Purity:增加 60% 直接弱點傷害機率、1 "純淨"。

-新增 裝飾 大頭人偶 10 種

-新增 飛行關卡

-新增 神殿破壞/Orokin Sabotage
Tier 1 = 森林/Forest + 神殿/Orokin Void Tier 2 = 雪地/Ice Planet + 神殿/Orokin Void
Tier 3 = 沙漠/Desert + 神殿/Orokin Void Tier 4 = Corpus 基地/Corpus Outpost + 神殿/Orokin Void


-新增 神殿關卡金罐子

雪地場地置入 Europa。

[1-5] Mercury & Earth
[5-10] Venus & Mars
[10-15] Jupiter & Saturn
[15-20] Sedna & Phobos
[20-25] Uranus & Europa
[25-30] Eris & Neptune
[30-35] Pluto & Ceres

Mercury Boss – Mars and Venus
Venus Boss – Jupiter
Mars Boss – Saturn
Jupiter Boss – Sedna
Saturn Boss – Phobos
Phobos Boss – Europa
Sedna Boss – Uranus
Europa Boss - Neptune
Uranus Boss – Eris
Neptune Boss – Ceres & Pluto



Grineer:Drahk Master (訓獸師)、Drahk (G老闇黑狗狗)

Corpus:Lynx (小隻 Jackal )

-新增 飛行器/ARCHWING


-新增 空中近戰動作

-新增 特殊任務分類介面


Alert System Changes:

Tilesets used for alerts now align with those appearing in the underlying planet region (i.e. no more Corpus Outpost alerts in Phobos). Shipyards and Infested Corpus tilesets now available, Grineer Galleon & Corpus ships are free to appear in any area (because space ships).
Enemy factions for alerts now align with their associated planet, infestation however can still appear anywhere.
Update enemy levels for Alerts to align with current star chart topology.
Added some new items to the mix: Oxium, Argon, R5 Fusion Core Pack, Kubrow Egg.
Slightly increased frequency of Resource Alerts.
Alerts no longer occur on Boss Nodes.
Added the new U14 Mercury nodes to node list of eligible Alert Locations.
Cleared out some nonsensical alert descriptions.
40% chance of Hive missions on Eris, home of the Infested!

The former 4 Ability Slots have undergone the following changes:
All Warframes have had 2 Ability Slots removed. Any Forma spent on these slots will be refunded.
All Warframes have had 2 previous Ability Slots converted to be blank polarities (unless otherwise Polarized).
All Warframes purchased or crafted moving forward will have their abilities automatically viewable in the Arsenal.
Abilities are all unlocked as a Warframe is levelled up.
Abilities are all ranked up as a Warframe is levelled up.

On Login, the following will occur for all accounts:
All highest Rank Ability Mods will be preserved and duplicated to fit the new Ability system. This means you won’t need to rank up any abilities if you already had a Maxed (or partially fused) Ability Mod.
Two slots will be removed (prefers ability polarity) and Forma used on Ability slots will be refunded.
All Ability Mods converted to Fusion Cores of the appropriate level.

Defense and Interception Mission rewards now stack! This removes the "inventory checkpoints" every 5 waves in Defense -- it's all or nothing now. The Reward Rotation for Defense and Interception has also been changed (to be like Survival) as Stacking Rewards is now in place. The Rewards now rotate through the reward tiers.
Significant improvements to enemy spawning in non-Void Survival missions. Removed a bunch of rules that made spawns too spread out and frustrating.
Reskinned the toggle buttons in the Options Menu!
Changed the MOA Laser rifle sound!
The Codex has been redesigned! See the new look today!
Added a new algorithm that can improve enemy weapon accuracy. (So, bad guys won't shoot like Storm Troopers).
Ciphers now scale in difficulty with enemy level.
Dynamic music mixing adjustments for smoother transitions.
Improved physics on Zephyr's helmet in an attempt to lower extreme object movement.
Many weapons updated to use zone maps which results in better metals.
Dojo Teleporter decorations now have a 40 character name limit.
Changed the ‘under the hood’ way Dojo Dueling works to fix several issues with this feature.
Reduced the explosion effects of Quanta's cubes in an attempt to improve performance.
Changed Ancient Disruptors from having a forced magnetic proc on hit to only be a 10% chance.
Swapped the Rescue level difficulties on Veles, Sedna and Uranus, Caliban to better match enemy levels.
Polished and tweaked Spectator view for Conclaves/PVP.
Significantly polished the Tutorial and New Player experience.
Improved the downward sweep attacks of staff weapons; they should now be easier to hit with.
Rearranged order of different settings in the Options tab.
Changed Dark Sector Conflict battle pay logic to solve the problem of Attackers leaving and causing Defenders to not earn battle play.
General Arc Trap changes:
Reduced Arc Trap radius from 11 meters to 8 meters.
Created new Arc Trap waypoint type. Better Wording: Arc Traps now spawn at strategically placed points as per a new 'under the hood' waypoint spawn system.
Spawn between 2-8 Arc Traps at the designated level areas, number of which is scaled by difficulty.
Arc Traps now explode after 3 seconds of zapping.
Minimum enemy level required for Arc Trap to spawn is 10.
Arc Traps will no longer spawn when Ice Layer is active.
Tweaked the difficulty of Sabotage missions on Earth. Included in this tweak is added Arc Traps and injector health adjustments.
Added Arc Traps to Grineer Rescue room on some cell doors.
Altered the spawning logic of Excavation to better match Survival scaling.
Tweaked Orokin Derelict Defense:
Added more areas for the AI to navigate the terrain via jumping and flight.
Did a pass on what is considered ‘out of bounds’, should prevent some degree of spawn-camping at the top of the map.
Fixed a hole near the side stair route.[/color]
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[141024] Update 15: Archwing (暫)

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